I love your song it is the best song of the world
Veron : July 24, 2013, 23:13
Favalli : July 24, 2013, 23:13
I don't like the use of the word "imperfections" :( Not bashing Michelle, I'm sure she didn't mean it THAT way. It's just a horrible word that is thrown around in the make up industry. Seeing as there is no such thing as perfect, and these are issues all women have, I don't see how they should be described as imperfections :)
POER : July 24, 2013, 23:13
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People are being so stupid, if you think she is fake just got to another channel and stop being a hater, and for the stupid who said that use eyeshadow before foundation it's because you don't want to re-do your foundation and concealer when you're using a dark or red eyeshadow and falls over your cheek when you try to remove it you can end with a spot of eyeshadow and do a mess with your make up.
Saer : July 24, 2013, 23:13
Toby Turner aka Tobuscus, or rather I want him to fall in love with me since that scenario seems a lot less likely.
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Veron : July 24, 2013, 23:13
Favalli : July 24, 2013, 23:13
I don't like the use of the word "imperfections" :( Not bashing Michelle, I'm sure she didn't mean it THAT way. It's just a horrible word that is thrown around in the make up industry. Seeing as there is no such thing as perfect, and these are issues all women have, I don't see how they should be described as imperfections :)
POER : July 24, 2013, 23:13
buy cheap viagra you're right in a sense... but she's just calling them imperfections for lack of a better word. obviously when you wear make-up, you are trying to perfect your face. perfect means "being without defect or blemish". so you're the one interpreting the word "PERFECT" to mean NO FLAWS...... I think you're looking into it a little too much!
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Kia : July 24, 2013, 23:13
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I think people just like to watch her vids. to say something nasty or bashful to her! buy cheap viagra
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Sapunaro : July 24, 2013, 23:13
maybe nyx...
Ahmed : July 24, 2013, 23:13
People are being so stupid, if you think she is fake just got to another channel and stop being a hater, and for the stupid who said that use eyeshadow before foundation it's because you don't want to re-do your foundation and concealer when you're using a dark or red eyeshadow and falls over your cheek when you try to remove it you can end with a spot of eyeshadow and do a mess with your make up.
Saer : July 24, 2013, 23:13
Toby Turner aka Tobuscus, or rather I want him to fall in love with me since that scenario seems a lot less likely.
Bob : July 24, 2013, 23:13
Ian Sonerhalder!!!
Ferrera : July 24, 2013, 23:13
buy cheap viagra They are sisterâs yes; they make a good clip out of it. The sound is
Jimmy : July 24, 2013, 23:13
Miley looks like a man D: buy cheap viagra
Souza : July 24, 2013, 23:13
what foundation are you using in this video? so dewy and bright! :)
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