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Perov : May 10, 2013, 14:47
Wow this look is perfect for valentines day. Great job! You look fantastic. Also, to the people saying she looks oily, no she doesn't. She almost always does a matte finish look with her foundation, but today she looks more dewy and natural. It looks great.
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, then why the hell are you watching this? you and this washcloth or whatever his user name is, is such a moron. us girls like to make ourselves pretty not only for ourselves but also for our special one. maybe you guys dont have girlfriends or wives that's why you're like that. i bet you havent felt the way our loved one does, like when you walk other guys will envy you because you have a beautiful girl beside you. LOSERS! buy generic viagra online pharmacy online
Saviola : May 10, 2013, 14:47
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Susanna : May 10, 2013, 14:47
As a guy who watches these videos it gives me a good prospective of what women go through. I'm not a big makeup guy. However, I know when someone does it poorly, and they generally end up looking like a trollop. Michelle, and her tutorials, helps solve that problem. And while I'm not into women wearing makeup, through these video tutorials, I have come to respect the amount of time and effort a woman goes through putting on good makeup if she's going out with me.
Rozalia : May 10, 2013, 14:47
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