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Gotta love MGMT for never making the same album twice and pushing forth as artist and not imitators of themselves. Critics are confused. And they should be. This is art.

drugs, man

Shut up about the dancing!! It is an 80s throwback feel. That's what they used to do back in.the day. Freestyle dance like that. So yea it may seem corny and not modern, but it accomplishes that 80s feeling Solange tries getting across. I for one LOVE the dancing. It's different and unique. And the music is amazing too. Solange is an ARTIST! Don't question her art. cheap viagra uk

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She sings better than Beyonce

hate this movie

Omar/Chalky White!

This video is more fucked up then Miley Cyrus

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Has anyone else noticed that the beginning of this song sounds EXACTLY like the beginning of Grow Up by Paramore?


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i hate this song

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more like utter shit song no.20. class video though

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