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The funny part for all you who don't like her is that Beyonce has said that Solange is a major inspiration for her songwriting, and that Solange is the one who introduced her to new songs and fashion.

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Much respect to her for simply being a beautiful and natural talent in the industry. She never jumps on the same train with all others.

She's Beyonce's sister. C'mon now.

Yeah I'm sure a music video that cost between a third and a half of a million dollars to produce with an approved budget by a major record label, a huge team of people working for weeks, a writer, a producer, a director, a cinematographer, set designer, costume designer, etc. was all to allow the complete creative liberty of the MGMT kids, who are signed to a massive, restrictive contract with said label.

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That would be a good one! I second Fight Club, and would like the whole Matrix Trilogy or at least the first one. XD

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