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Jeebus, lady, PLEASE change your choreographer for a one that knows what he's doing. The music is... interesting, good, but I would also like not to have to close my eyes or look for a non-official version without the clip just because what's in the official one is kind of... pretty bad :( cheap pharmacy viagra

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She needs to stop. She will never be her sister. lol

I think it's apart of the Knowles genetics that they can run,jump and dance in heels I mean Bey is amazing at it and so is Solo...ADOPT ME INTO YOUR FAMILY!!!!!

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song is good but whats with this video???

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The drum sample is Mannie's so that is why he's there. Bun B is rap Texas royalty and since she shot it at home in Houston, she asked him and he oblige. Bun B low key stans for the Knowles sisters.

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