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May 20, 2013, 11:16

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The choreography is so exciting it doesn't match the remorseful context of the song. Maybe that's what's off to me…

i swear that was bun-b

Hello Youtubers Im a 16 year old Swedish Boy trying to spread the love by making YouTube videos and I've just put up my 14th video

The song is weird...like a nightmare and the video makes no sense about anything. I just saw a total nightmare home repair

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I hope everyone is in good spirits

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This chicks sense of dance is so wierd and fun...love her image

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Best bug EVER! It should be a native function. Thanks from Brazil.

Solange is singing 3 of my songs on her next cd and I told her to mix her own tracks if she wants to. So she gonna do what ever she wanna do.

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Hello Youtubers Im a 16 year old Swedish Boy trying to spread the love by making YouTube videos and I've just put up my 14th video viagra 50mg I like the groove hehe it's kinda like a kick back relax and let it sink in, although some of the dance moves are quicker than I think they should've been its all good. I would've liked to see more smooth movement to match, you knoooow just not hit hit hit but chilll relax and groove :) Love the MK2 in the background :D just please and I beg don't go down that illuminati road okay thanks. Keep keep'n on <3

They sound like a young Pink Floyd home repair

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