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March 09, 2013, 07:01

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I love ur hair Solange ♥

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I hope everyone is in good spirits

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will I ever get to watch a Solange's video on youtube and NOT see a mention of Beyonce in on of the top comments? they're two completely different artists, both are great. they're sisters, but not competitors ffs, get it over people!

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Please make one for The Departed

do "Space Balls" and say "I'm homeless, I'm gay, I have aids, I'm new in town"

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too complicated and artsy for me. oh well, bands change :\

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►►♥♡♥►► I make h while I'm traveling the world. Last week I worked by my laptop in Rome, Monti Carlo and finally Paris. This week I'm back in the USA. All I do are easy tasks from this one cool site. check it out, ►►➨➨►► BASS22.COM

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