July 15, 2013, 06:44
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That video was artsy as fuck and the song was great.
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To me people are not getting what her style/sound has always been old school so many people like modern sounding music better I guess. I guess I'm also one of the few who like what she was going for great sound and creative throwback type video. buy viagra in new zealand
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this viideo and lyrics are irritating
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i dont get why every body is saying it was portuguese. The people were clearly colombian/mexican due to their accent. Learn the language first C: buy viagra in new zealand Dope video ii was entertained i loved the "trip" i was on while watching it i felt a bit of deja va being at the 90's in door mall that sold jewelry, rims, clothes, shoes, g
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You can't watch any video with seeing Beyonce mentioned in the comments. Her stans bring her up all the time
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am I the only one who didn't get where the hell is 'Cool Song No.1' ? -.-
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one of the best chill songs I have heard this year xP buy viagra in new zealand Don't get it. But she's a beautiful girl
It kind of worked. It hid Newsstand for a split second before plopping it back onto my home screen...
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and no its not pretentious , it's just art. it would be pretentious if the creators of the video were galavanting around claiming their video to be a masterpiece .
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