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okay... i have been in love with this ep for the past few months now and this song was one of if not my fav songs on it i like the vid buttt i dont know if it matches the song i like it stilll .....loosin u vid was better even tho it had nothing to do wit the song but it worked 4 some reason but dis one did not get me there BUT I STILL LOVE DAT ALBUM TRUE IT IS DAH TRUTH! cialis black 800mg

I like the groove hehe it's kinda like a kick back relax and let it sink in, although some of the dance moves are quicker than I think they should've been its all good. I would've liked to see more smooth movement to match, you knoooow just not hit hit hit but chilll relax and groove :) Love the MK2 in the background :D just please and I beg don't go down that illuminati road okay thanks. Keep keep'n on <3 buy viagra phuket Do Looper

Also, since when do five-year-olds have iPhones? cialis black 800mg the song may need to grow on me BUT the dancing is one hard cookie to swallow...She was better off standing still and singing this.

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Do the movie, Hansel & Gretel Witch Hunters (2013) and say, "Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, son." - Animal House cialis black 800mg This song is pretty damn smooth. I'm glad to see Mannie Fresh @ is still in the music scene.

Oh I love MGMT so much for their near-beatles psychedelic songs!

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