December 18, 2012, 08:07
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Fuck that video. Fuck that wack ass song. FUCK.
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lmao, no. MGMT are just a pop band who do a lot of acid.
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I loved it. This girl is jammin' & it is so original. You people with your rude comments. Not sure if it's hate or what, but that negativity needs to stop.. for real.
love this song. video was awsome. she sounds a bit like aaliyah
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Dude... mgmt are known for putting random and weird shit into the videos to make them more psychedelic looking. You're both right and either one of you could be dead wrong. Who knows the real answer as far as to this video. cheap online pill viagra song is good but whats with this video???
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this must be a glitch, they wouldn't make it this complicated
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