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April 21, 2013, 21:11

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Kate Bush and Solange need to do a video together. If you know then you know.

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This was pretty amazing and I didnt even watch the movie

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Dude... mgmt are known for putting random and weird shit into the videos to make them more psychedelic looking. You're both right and either one of you could be dead wrong. Who knows the real answer as far as to this video.

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You spelled "Virus" wrong.

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Strange o-o

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Hello my name is Carl Volmir I'm a singer/songwriter and I also play guitar I have really great reviews on my music and if you could take just 2 minutes of your time to help my dream come true with your views I know the promoting yourself on someone else's video gets annoying but its the only thing you can do when you're a kid with a small camera,guitar,and a dream in a small town so please take a look thank you cialis 24

"Folther " xD Thank you for the video though(:

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