From NZ Herald News 19 November 2010 (source).
The headline has since been changed.
Submitted by Julie Ann Clark who comments:
I pictured an underground wonderland of dirty clothes receptacles…
From NZ Herald News 19 November 2010 (source).
The headline has since been changed.
Submitted by Julie Ann Clark who comments:
I pictured an underground wonderland of dirty clothes receptacles…
From the Clovis News Journal 17 November 2010 (source).
Submitted by Amy Hoffner.
From the NPR 15 November 2010 (source).
Submitted by Lucas Stonehouse.
From CNET 13 November 2010 (source).
Submitted by Paul Lagasse who comments:
So much for the “Find-a-Hydrant” Facebook app.
My dog’s business is nobody’s business!
From the New Jersey Law Journal 17 November 2010 (source).
The original article is behind a paywall.
Submitted by Kevin McNulty who comments:
Common sense prevails! No need for New Jersey judges to be rugged outdoorsmen.
From the BBC 10 November 2010 (source).
Submitted by Patrick Martin who comments:
Sadly, we ignored their warning.
From AOL News 25 August 2010 (source).
Submitted by Kylie Pieczonka who comments:
First I thought the MLB was actually going to give this guy a hand, and I was wondering where they were going to attach it because he doesn’t have arms. Then the intended meaning sunk in.