From the BBC 7 July 2010 (source).
Submitted by zudora who comments:
Well, it’s about time someone cut pain.
From the BBC 7 July 2010 (source).
Submitted by zudora who comments:
Well, it’s about time someone cut pain.
From The Guardian 26 January 2012 (source).
Submitted Patrick Martin who comments:
While most people would keep a safe behind locked doors, the fiscally creative Swiss kept theirs on a snowboard.
From Burlington Free Press 22 January 2012 (source).
Submitted by Russell who comments:
A new weight-lifting room, just for the two of them?
From The New York Times 29 January 2012 (source).
Submitted by Russell who comments:
I’d be upset too if my chances were dwindling. Wouldn’t you be?
From Reuters 17 January 2012 (source).
Submitted anonymously.
From The Pennsylvania Gazette January/February 2012 Issue (source).
Submitted by Gloria Hamilton who comments:
(Pointed out to me by Aaron M. Fine, a fellow alum.)
From NPR 6 January 2012 (source).
Submitted by Chak Olate who comments:
If the fruit can already levitate and fly, it’s no wonder they want to learn about space travel.
From the BBC 1 January 2012 (source).
The headline has since been changed.
Submitted by Peter LeFanu Lumsdaine who comments:
“Prompt emergency promptly defends itself”?