From Computerworld 30 June 2011 (source)
Submitted by Daniel Barkalow who comments:
“Give us all your secrets! Just try and stop our social network!” said Google spokesman Charlie Sheen.
From Computerworld 30 June 2011 (source)
Submitted by Daniel Barkalow who comments:
“Give us all your secrets! Just try and stop our social network!” said Google spokesman Charlie Sheen.
From CNN 22 June 2011 (source).
Submitted by Bryan George who comments:
Wow, that’s one powerful government job: “Sorry, Detroit, but with the salary cap I can’t afford to carry an injured city on the team – I’m gonna have to cut ya…”
From The New York Times 21 June 2011 (source).
Submitted by Bryan George who comments:
Suspicious collection included “I (heart) Jihad” and “World’s Greatest Martyr”
From 14 June 2011 (source).
Submitted by Patrick Martin who comments:
Not many people know it, but the British are very skilled at using fire as building foundation material.
From The Associated Press 11 June 2011 (source).
Submitted by Daniel Barkalow who comments:
If you shoot a suspect dead, admit it; don’t try to claim a time-travelling embassy did it.
From Al Jazeera English 10 June 2011 (source).
Submitted by Glen who comments:
It’s important to have conviction in your beliefs and your plots.
From 9 June 2011 (source).
Submitted by Daniel Barkalow who comments:
Next step: prevent children from being used as missiles at all.
From CNN 3 June 2011 (source).
Found by @sherrynoik on Twitter.
From 7 June 2011 (source).
Submitted by Paul Adams.
From the New York Times 7 June 2011 (source).
Submitted by Some Aminzade who comments:
How do you tie them to the Turkey?