From The New York Times 28 September 2011 (source).
Submitted by Daniel Barkalow who comments:
I didn’t know there were enough nursing hitters to have a race.
From The New York Times 28 September 2011 (source).
Submitted by Daniel Barkalow who comments:
I didn’t know there were enough nursing hitters to have a race.
From The Lede (New York Times) 26 September 2011 (source).
Submitted by Ned Snider who comments:
“How do they get them that small?”
From The Washington Post 13 September 2011 (source).
Submitted by Bryan George who comments:
Who needs the Intelligence Community when we can predict Afghan militant operations just by reading the Washington Post?
From the New York Times 19 September 2011 (Page A1).
Submitted by Jeffrey Colin Zalesin.
From The Associated Press 14 September 2011 (source).
Submitted by Patrick Martin who comments:
Volunteers now being sought to carry Southern Yemen during the funeral procession.
From Utica Observer-Dispatch 13 September 2011 (source).
Submitted by Burt Stein.
From The Associated Press 10 September 2011 (source).
Submitted by Patrick Martin who comments:
So many sinks and nowhere to go….
From MarketWatch 9 September 2011 (source).
The headline has since been changed.
Submitted by Daniel Barkalow who comments:
Even with 40,000 fewer workers, that’s a long line to wash your hands.
From Burlington Free Press 9 September 2011 (source).
Submitted by Russell who comments:
If you can parse that, you’re more clever than me. A stripper charged him with something that cause him to steal? He had a battery-powered wallpaper steamer that was really some kind of fiendish burglary robot?
From The Associated Press 30 August 2011 (source).
Submitted by William Robboy.