From arstechnica on September 21st, 2012 (Source).
Submitted by Jesse.
From arstechnica on September 21st, 2012 (Source).
Submitted by Jesse.
From on September 21, 2012 (Source).
Submitted by both Michael Berch and Don Creach who comments:
“This is a legitimate crash blossom – I read it as having to do with stretch marks that somehow were shifting (not to say that this interpretation, especially when tied to the money race, made any sense).”
From The Daily Mail online on September 20, 2012 (Source).
Submitted by Chak Olate who comments:
“This really had to hurt!
Although it’s possible he really deserved it. “
From on September 19, 2012 (Source).
Submitted by Michael Berch.
From The Washington Post on September 18, 2012 (Source).
Submitted by Lioracle who comments:
“If you are going to skip the “to be” verb in a headline, don’t put a noun that looks like a strong active verb right in the middle of the headline.”
From ScienceDaily on September 17th, 2012 (Source).
Submitted by Russell who comments:
“Only children, NEVER adults”
From on September 13, 2012 (Source).
Submitted by Stewart Baker who comments:
“What exactly a “family surface” is remains to be seen.”
I’d just like to introduce myself as the new webmaster of My name is Chris and I am the brother of the original webmaster. He is starting a new job and family (expecting his first child any day now!) so the torch has been passed to me. I’ve just recently moved to South Korea to teach English so things have been pretty hectic… but I think I’ve dealt with the backlog! Please let me know if I’ve missed anything.
I don’t really know what I’m doing, but am totally open to suggestions regarding design and general running of the website.
Thanks! And I’ll do my best to post your submissions with a bit more promptness now that things are starting to settle down a little!
From BBC News. September 6th, 2012. (Source).
Submitted by Stewart Baker who comments:
“It takes a callous son-of-a-bitch to shoot people in the head when they’ve already been victims of a shooting.”