Student illegally possessed chickens

From The Associated Press 15 April 2012 (source).

Submitted by Rita Robinson who comments:

I had to read this one twice. Was it telling me that some student had stolen chicken souls? I kept reading “by” in the headline. It is still very odd. Students usually illegally possess pot.

3 thoughts on “Student illegally possessed chickens

  1. Robin

    Chicken have your soul……..
    Gives new meaning to those self-help books.

  2. Noreen Mackey

    The chickens were probably in the pot.

  3. Chicken lover

    Actually, often cities have ordinances against owning chickens, even the quietest of laying hens, and also often people living in such cities own chickens in secret. We live out in the country, do we can have as many chickens as we want. U jelly, student?

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