Torture professor John Yoo in San Mateo

From the San Francisco Bay Independent Media Centre (source).

The headline has since been updated to: “Torture Professor” John Yoo in San Mateo.

Found by @mfb on Twitter.

2 thoughts on “Torture professor John Yoo in San Mateo

  1. dan bloom

    With ‘Crash Blossoms’, Aviation Enters Lexicon Again
    By Will Horton on February 9, 2010 8:52 PM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBacks (0) |ShareThis
    When “Northwest Nap” entered the lexicon it wasn’t exactly with the highest source: it was on Urban Dictionary.

    Now “crash blossoms” has entered the lexicon, this time with a more reputable, or at least pedantic, group: copy editors. But what are “crash blossoms”? To the copy editors, the phrase now refers to headlines with double meanings.

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